Brimbank Tree Policy

Adopted August 2021

The draft Brimbank Tree Policy:

  • applies to all trees in the municipality
  • replaces the Street Tree Policy 2010.
  • will help safeguard and grow our canopy coverage to protect our community from heatwaves associated with climate change.

The aim was increasing canopy cover across Brimbank from 6.2 per cent to 30 per cent by 2046. By 2018 we increased canopy coverage to 8.5 per cent.

The draft Policy sets out how we will achieve this target by:

  • extra measures to secure a biodiverse and resilient urban forest
  • 4 main objectives.


  • Community engagement

    The policy aims to involve the wider community in order to achieve protection and expansion of the canopy cover on private as well as public land.

  • Greening our city

    The policy aims to achieve a minimum of 30% canopy cover by 2046. The target is to increase the cover to 30% in road parks, streets and on private land and, where possible, up to 50% in parks and open spaces.

  • Improving urban tree management

    The policy seeks to retain and protect established trees with large canopies on both public and private land.

  • Demonstrating best practice in tree maintenance

    The policy aims to lead the way by demonstrating and freely sharing advice on best practice