Calder Park Drive Level Crossing Removal Project

Urban Design Principles

We want your feedback on our draft Calder Park Drive Level Crossing Removal Urban Design Principles.

The Principles will help us seek the best possible urban design and transport outcomes for the community. The works are being delivered by the Victorian Government.

Funding to remove the Calder Park Drive level crossing was announced by the Victorian Government in July 2021. They committed to remove the crossing by 2025. The announcement suggested the level crossing would be replaced with a new road bridge over the existing rail line. Removing the level crossing will:

  • improve safety
  • reduce congestion
  • allow more trains, more often.

Upgrades to the Sunbury Line are currently underway as part of the Metro Tunnel Project. This will increase capacity for faster and more frequent metro and regional trains.

Design Principles

  1. Retain existing and future-proof future local road connections
  2. Retain, enhance and expand pedestrian linkages along and across the road and rail corridor
  3. Integrate local and regional cycle connections
  4. Enhance the natural environment
  5. Create a distinctive, high quality architectural & landscape outcome
  6. Prioritise Safety as a design consideration
  7. Minimise adverse impacts on private property
  8. Minimise physical, visual and acoustic amenity impacts
  9. Engage with the community as part of the decision-making process.


Quick Poll

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  • Yes
    80% (12 votes)
  • No
    20% (3 votes)
Total Votes: 15