Project update - 10 January 2023

We are pleased to announce Council adopted the Carer Support Plan.

Project update - 9 September 2022

Thank you for your feedback on this project. The consultation has closed.

Our Carer Support Plan 2022-2025 has been developed to:

  • acknowledge the significant role of carers in the community, and
  • position Council to respond to the range of carer support needs and interests within an evolving funding and service delivery environment.

The plan aims to:

  • build stronger service partnerships with key agencies so we can continue to broaden the range of supports available
  • improve accessibility for community members not engaged with services.

The plan has been developed through extensive consultation with

  • carers
  • service providers
  • relevant sector stakeholders.

All actions within the plan have been developed to align with the five priorities of the Victorian Carer Strategy 2018-2022. This is so we support the state-wide vision that all carers:

  • have the ability to make choices about their care role
  • participate socially and economically
  • have the best health and wellbeing possible.

Key priorities

We want to ensure all carers:

Draft Carer Support Plan 2022-2025


We want to know if we got it right. We invite you to let us know what you think of the draft plan by completing this survey.