The playground at Cliff Harvey Lagoon Reserve was last updated in 2010 and it is time for it to be upgraded to provide a safe and inviting place for children and families and to align with Council’s Creating Better Parks Policy and Plan 2016.

A draft concept plan has been developed based on feedback received during the first round of community engagement in June 2024. This concept plan aims to:

  • Maintain the character of the reserve.
  • Create a multi-functional and adaptable space for activities including play, picnics and parties.
  • Improve accessibility and connectivity for various groups of people.
  • Preserve the open grass area which is valued by the community.
  • Include play equipment suitable for a range of age groups, including the types of play the community requested.

We have made every effort to reflect community feedback in the concept design, while also staying within budget and any site constraints.

Concept plan play space

Concept plan play space


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