We presented your feedback to Council in March to understand your views on the proposal. With a majority of community support, Council has decided to sell the 1,000 square metre parcel of land to Vietnamese Museum Australia Ltd.

Next steps

Before the transfer of land, the Vietnamese Museum Australia Ltd will need to:

  • get a planning permit for the use and development of the museum
  • appoint a builder.

And a condition on the title to:

  • restrict the use of the land for the purposes of a cultural museum for a 50-year period (unless otherwise agreed by Council).

Addressing your car parking concerns

Based on your feedback we will:

  • create a Car Parking Management Plan for the area
  • review time-based restrictions to on-street car parking, including
    • an extension of restrictions until 10pm on all days,
    • reduce some parking from 2 hours to 1 hour
    • make some unrestricted parking restricted
  • increase enforcement of parking restrictions to ensure adequate turnover
  • add 5 on-street parking spaces in Sun Crescent, near Watt Street.

We will also be asking the State Government to:

  • make the commuter car parks in Sunshine CBD legally available to the non-commuter after 6pm on weeknights and all day on weekends
  • hurry the funding and delivery of the proposed ‘Spurline’ project
  • move the existing bus stops within Durham Road and Sun Crescent to create a new car park access point for the Durham Road Car Park. And help create more on-street car spaces.

Planning ahead

Council gave approval to develop concept plans to create a new civic space called ‘Welcome Plaza’ for the Council owned land next to the proposed museum. It will celebrate all refugee and migrant communities that call Brimbank home.

    Consultation results

    How we consulted

    Methods we used to engage.


    Project statistics.

    What you told us

    • ​Support

      • about 60% of the 189 written submissions
      • a letter of support with 1868 signatures.

      Reasons for support

      • cultural importance of the museum
      • civic pride
      • community and economic benefit to Sunshine CBD and the southern village in particular
      • improving the amenity and safety of the area
      • creating a visitor destination
    • Oppose

      • 1 petition with 196 signatures
      • why support the Vietnamese community over other communities
      • a cultural museum is not appropriate for Council to help. Should investigate other community uses instead.
    • Concerns about loss and lack of car parking

      Concerns about loss and lack of car parking

      • about 30% of the 189 written submissions. Almost all of this 30% were concerned about car parking
      • 1 petition with 196 petitioners.

      Reason for concern

      • lack of car parking now
      • more pressure to find a car park with reduced car parking and extra demand by the proposed museum
      • negative impact to the access to local businesses, health providers and train station.
    • Support but in a different location

      A small number of people didn't think the Durham Road Car Park was the right location.