The Calder Freeway is the primary road connection between Melbourne and Bendigo. It is a road of strategic economic importance to both Victoria and Australia.

In addition to providing a vital transport connection for our local community, the Calder is a major freight route and plays a critical role on tourism.

Brimbank's ‘Fix the Calder Campaign’ seeks immediate upgrade of the Calder Corridor, particularly the section of the freeway between the Western Ring Road and Gap Road in Sunbury.

Despite its strategic economic importance, the Calder was identified as one of the most concerning roads in Melbourne in a recent RACV survey. For example, and between 2015 and mid 2023, the stretch of the Calder Freeway between the Western Ring Road and Gap Road in Sunbury experienced 198 crashes. Of those, 82 were classed as serious with over 100 injuries and five lives being lost. Contributing factors include:

  • inconsistent speed limits
  • absence of emergency lanes
  • absence of a freeway standard interchange at Calder Park Drive
  • uneven road surfaces throughout the Brimbank section of the Freeway.

According to Infrastructure Australia’s 2019 ‘Urban Crowding and Congestion Report’:

  • in 2016, the Calder was the seventh most congested road in Melbourne during AM peak, and the ninth in PM peak.
  • by 2031, and without upgrades, the Calder Freeway would:
    • be the second most congested road in Melbourne during AM peak
    • the third most congested in PM peak
    • cost the economy over $100 million per year.

We are calling for improvements of the Calder Freeway by:

  • upgrades between the Western Ring Road and Melton Highway to bring it up to freeway standard
    • add lanes from Keilor Park Drive to Melton highway
    • widen the Maribyrnong River Bridge
  • construction of a diamond interchange at the Calder Freeway and Calder Park Drive intersection
  • duplication of Calder Park Drive between the Calder Freeway and the Melton Highway.

Fixing the Calder now can also help create shovel-ready construction jobs.

What we are asking for

To fix the Calder Freeway we're asking for:

  • upgrades between the Western Ring Road and the Melton Highway to bring it up to freeway standard by:
    • adding lanes from Keilor Park Drive to Melton Highway
    • widening the Maribyrnong River Bridge
  • construction of a diamond interchange at the Calder Freeway and Calder Park Drive intersection
  • duplication of Calder Park Drive between the Calder Freeway and the Melton Highway.
Map drawing showing key spots that require attention


Fix the Calder campaign image - Make it safe - Get it Moving - Do it Now