We have collected over 250 of your ideas about Glengala Village since 2018 to find out:

  • what you love about the area
  • how it can be better.

We have used your ideas to create 2 design options that provide:

  • a safer street environment
  • an attractive neighbourhood hub with lots of greenery
  • more space for you to walk, shop and gather.

We plan to start the upgrade works in the 2026-27 financial year. Design and timing is subject to:

  • service authority approval
  • council budget.

The main difference between the 2 designs

Pedestrian crossings

  • Option 1: has a pedestrian priority crossing point at the centre of the Village
  • Option 2: does not have a central crossing point.

Car parking spaces

Glengala Village has 22 on-street car parking spaces at the moment. The proposed designs provide:

  • 19 on-street car parking spaces for Option 1
  • 22 on-street car parking spaces for Option 2.

Compare option 1 and 2

Option 1: Site view of design option 1 Option 2: Site view of design option 2

Artist impressions

Proposed plans

A selection of the existing and proposed design plans. For more detail and remaining plans view "Glengala Village upgrade plans" in Documents.


We want to know if you:

  • prefer design option 1 or 2
  • believe your preferred design meets community aspirations
  • feel encouraged to visit and spend more time in Glengala Village.