Themes and actions

Click the theme to read our commitment and actions.

Meaningful relationships are at the heart of our reconciliation effort. We are committed to building understanding, respect and trust between

  • Traditional Custodians of Brimbank, the Wurundjeri and Bunurong people
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live, work or study in Brimbank
  • The wider Brimbank community.


1. Establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations.

1.1 Meet with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations to develop guiding principles for future engagement.

June 2024

1.2 Develop and implement an engagement plan to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations.

December 2024

1.3 Use the Local Government Victoria Good Practice Guideline developed for Councils to establish a cross- council agreed way of working with Traditional Custodians, Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities.

December, annually

1.4 Continue to coordinate and support the Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee to meet and provide advice to Council on all aspects of the RAP.

March, June, September and December, annually

1.5 Work with the Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee to update its terms of reference and broaden membership.

June 2024

1.6 Continue to build a close working relationship with the organisations representing the Wurundjeri and Bunurong people including the development of Memorandums of Understanding or a partnership agreement.

Each month, annually

1.7 Support the new local Aboriginal Community controlled organisation, the Cooinda Community Hub, to establish as an incorporated group.

June 2024

1.8 Meet regularly with the Western Region Local Government Reconciliation Network (WRLGRN) and the Local Aboriginal Network to share information and explore opportunities to collaborate.

February, May, September, December, annually

2. Build relationships through celebrating National Reconciliation Week (NRW) each year.

2.1 Circulate Reconciliation Australia’s NRW resources and reconciliation materials to our staff.

May, annually

2.2 RAP Working Group members to participate in an external NRW event each year.

27 May-3 June, annually

2.3 Encourage and support staff and senior leaders to participate in at least one external event to recognise and celebrate NRW.

27 May-3 June, annually

2.4 Continue to plan and organise at least three NRW events each year.

27 May-3 June, annually

2.5 Register all our NRW events on Reconciliation Australia’s NRW and Reconciliation Victoria’s Maggollee websites and promote all NRW events via Council’s communication platforms.

May, annually

3. Promote reconciliation through our sphere of influence.

3.1 Develop and implement an internal communications and engagement plan to engage all staff and Councillors to raise awareness of Reconciliation across our workforce.

July 2024

3.2 Update and communicate our commitment to reconciliation publicly.

May-June, annually

3.3 Explore opportunities to positively influence our external stakeholders to drive reconciliation outcomes.

September, annually

3.4 Collaborate with Registered Aboriginal Party organisation and other like-minded organisations to develop innovative approaches to advance reconciliation.

September, annually

4. Promote positive race relations through anti- discrimination strategies.

4.1 Conduct a review of HR policies and procedures to identify existing anti-discrimination provisions, and future needs.

December, annually

4.2 Develop, implement, and communicate an anti- discrimination policy for our organisation.

December 2025

4.3 Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and/or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisors to consult on our anti-discrimination policy.

December 2024

4.4 Educate senior leaders on the effects of racism.

October 2024

Respect, trust and understanding is built on awareness. We are committed to sharing and celebrating the culture, rights and history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We seek ways to improve how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island may contribute and take part in our community.


5. Increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights through cultural learning.

5.1 Conduct a review of cultural learning needs within our organisation.

December, annually

5.2 Develop, implement, and communicate a cultural learning strategy document for our staff.

December 2024

5.3 Consult local Traditional Custodians and Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee to inform our cultural learning strategy.

December 2024

5.4 Provide opportunities for RAP Working Group members, and other key leadership staff to participate in formal and structured cultural learning.

September, annually

6. Ensure that Council programs, services and activities are developed and implemented with, by, and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

6.1 In consultation with Traditional Custodians, Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee and local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, ensure work areas continue to build, maintain and promote programs, services, and activities with, by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

July, annually

6.2 Continue to develop and maintain information and educational resources on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, culture, knowledge, rights and important sites in Brimbank for use on Council’s website and for distribution to community groups associated with Council.

June, annually

6.3 Engage with Traditional Custodians for cultural knowledge to preserve and maintain Country, including assisting with the implementation of cultural burning practices where appropriate.

July, annually

6.4 Identify Traditional Custodians, Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consultation requirements and processes for land use, development and project management of Council owned land.

June, annually

6.5 Develop a protocol that informs the process and approach to engagement with Traditional Custodians, Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee and local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to inform planning and design for Council projects

December 2024

6.6 Ensure staff with a role in land use and development and project management are trained in the use of the ACHRIS mapping system; how to identify when a Cultural Heritage Management Plan is required; and aware of information about the procurement of First Nations businesses. Ensure position descriptions and induction processes are updated as required.

August, annually

7. Increase understanding and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait cultures, histories and heritage throughout the LGA

7.1 Amend Council’s Signage Standards to incorporate acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians in all place name signage.

June 2024

7.2 Continue implementation of interpretive signage in public space that acknowledges Traditional Custodians and culturally significant landscapes and histories

June, annually

7.3 On the advice of Traditional Custodians, Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee and with family consent, Council will acknowledge the passing of Elders, or people of significance to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, in Council Chambers, flying flags half-mast or via social media posts.

December, annually

7.4 Consider opportunities to promote the culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Council’s activation programming in town centres.

October, annually

8. Demonstrate respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by observing cultural protocols.

8.1 Increase staff's understanding of the purpose and significance behind cultural protocols, including Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country protocols.

February, annually

8.2 Develop a Cultural Protocols document including protocols for Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country.

December, annually

8.3 Continue to invite a local Traditional Custodian to provide a Welcome to Country or other appropriate.

8.4 Continue to include an Acknowledgement of Country or other appropriate protocols at the commencement of important meetings and events.

December, annually and as required

8.5 Review and update Council’s policy templates and approval processes to include details of recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and legislative rights; Councils commitment to reconciliation; and protocols and processes of working and consulting with Traditional Custodians, Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

January, annually

8.6 Re-affirm Council’s commitment to promoting place names that are in Australian Indigenous languages that have been developed following consultation with Traditional Custodians.

January, annually

8.7 Develop and implement a policy and protocol to install plaques, where possible, that acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Brimbank on (current and proposed) Council buildings, parks, reserves, waterways where possible.

January, annually

9. Build respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories

by celebrating NAIDOC Week.

9.1 RAP Working Group to participate in an external NAIDOC Week event.

First week in July, annually

9.2 Review People, Culture and Wellbeing policies and procedures to remove barriers to staff participating in NAIDOC Week.

June 2025

9.3 Work with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities to help support and organise NAIDOC week events.

May-July, annually

10. Continue to develop and support a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and cultural initiatives.

10.1 Create and promote a calendar of staff and community Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and cultural initiatives for community and staff participation that Council supports as part of National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.

May – July, annually

10.2 Continue to work in partnership with the Department of Education and Training to support the Koorie Homework Club to provide support to local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school aged students and families.

June, annually

10.3 Audit and catalogue materials and objects about Aboriginal cultures and heritage managed by the Council.

December, annually

We are committed to improving opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to contribute to and take part in our community.

We seek to provide service, programs and economic opportunities that are accessible and culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.


11. Improve employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention, and professional development.

11.1 Build understanding of current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staffing to inform future employment and professional development opportunities.

June, annually

11.2 Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to develop Council’s recruitment, retention and professional development strategy.

December 2024

11.3 Develop and implement an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development strategy.

December 2025

11.4 Advertise job vacancies in ways that can effectively reach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders.

December, annually

11.5 Review People, Culture and Wellbeing recruitment procedures and policies to remove barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in our workplace.

December 2025

11.6 Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to attend professional development opportunities, networks and advocacy groups.

December, annually and as required

11.7 Build on the partnership with Moondani Balluk (Victoria University) to explore opportunities around employment, internships and work experience opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

December, annually and as required

12. Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes.

12.1 Maintain, monitor and review our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander procurement strategy.

June, 2024

12.2 Investigate Supply Nation membership and maintain Kinaway (Victorian Indigenous Chamber of Commerce) membership.

July, annually

12.3 Develop and communicate opportunities for procurement of goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to staff.

July, annually

12.4 Review and update procurement practices to remove barriers to procuring goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.

July, annually

12.5 Retain and develop new commercial relationships with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses.

July, annually

12.6 Undertake an annual, cross organisational, audit to quantify the procurement of goods, services or works from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.

July, annually

12.7 Partner with external service providers and government agencies to deliver business start-up workshop/s for Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

April, annually

13. Work to ensure all Council programs and services are appropriate and accessible for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

13.1 Conduct an Aboriginal Cultural Safety Audit for at least one Council service per year and make recommendations for change.

December, annually

13.2 Research the social, health, wellbeing and economic needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Brimbank to guide program design and service delivery across Council.

December, annually

13.3 Work with Traditional Custodians, Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee, local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and service providers to design workshops that encourage a strength-based approach to addressing employment needs.

December, annually

Good administration is important for the success of this plan. We will commit to manage and administer the plan over the next 2 years.


14. Establish and maintain an effective RAP Working group (RWG) to drive governance of the RAP.

14.1 Maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff representation on the RWG.

February, annually

14.2 Review the RWG Terms of Reference annually.

December, annually

14.3 Meet at least four times per year to drive and monitor RAP implementation.

March, June, September and December, annually

15. Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments.

15.1 Define resource needs for RAP implementation.

July, annually

15.2 Engage our Senior Leaders and other staff in the delivery of RAP commitments.

July, annually

15.3 Develop, review and maintain appropriate systems to track, measure and report on RAP commitments.

August, annually

15.4 Appoint and maintain an internal RAP Champion from senior management.

December, annually

15.5 At least three times a year, Invite an Elder, Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee member, service provider, agency, artist or business to address the RWG on matters relevant to Council’s RAP.

March, July, October, annually

16. Build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges and learnings both internally and externally.

16.1 Contact Reconciliation Australia to verify that our primary and secondary contact details are up to date, to ensure we do not miss out on important RAP correspondence.

June, annually

16.2 Contact Reconciliation Australia to request our unique link, to access the online RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire.

August, annually

16.3 Complete and submit the annual RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia.

September, annually

16.4 Report RAP progress to all staff and senior leaders as part of quarterly reports for Council Plan and Annual Plan.

March, June, September and December, annually

16.5 Publicly report our RAP achievements, challenges and learnings, annually through Council publications and reports.

July, annually

16.6 Investigate participating in Reconciliation Australia’s biennial Workplace RAP Barometer.

April, annually

16.7 Submit a traffic light report to Reconciliation Australia at the conclusion of this RAP.

December 2025

16.8 Provide quarterly RAP progress reports to Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee

March, June, September and December, annually

17. Continue our reconciliation journey by developing our next RAP.

17.1 Register via Reconciliation Australia’s website to begin developing our next RAP.

December 2025