
A new 4-bin waste service is coming to Brimbank

The Victorian Government has announced all councils must move to a 4-bin service. A bin each for waste, recycling, food and garden organics, and glass. We’ve been considering these changes and what it means to managing waste in our community.

In response, we have proposed a draft 4-bin model that we want to test with our community. Our proposal has been considered and made in consultation with experts and industry. We know that change can be tricky. We want to provide you with the information and support you need to understand the changes.

We understand one size doesn’t fit everyone. We are listening to feedback from households of different sizes, types, and individual needs. This change involves a significant investment by Council and your feedback is important, so we get it right.

Current and Proposed services

From 2023, all Victorian councils will start making changes to waste services. These changes will impact

  • bin sizes
  • collection frequency
  • how you separate your waste
  • the colour of the bin lids.

You can read about the proposed changes below.

Graphic image of proposed changes to bins. Top row is of 3 bins. Bottom row is of four bins

The standard four bin waste and recycling collection service model includes:

  • Red lid bin for rubbish
  • Purple lid bin for glass
  • Yellow lid bin for recycling
  • Green lid bin for food organics and garden organics (FOGO).

Our proposed draft 4-bin model will involve a glass bin collected monthly, a food and organics bin collected weekly, a recycling bin collected every two weeks, and a waste bin collected every two weeks.

To manage the changed collections, we propose the following bin capacities:

  • the garbage bin capacity will increase from 80 litres to 140 litres
  • the glass bin capacity will be 140 litres
  • the recycling and food and organics bins will be 240 litres.

There are significant environmental benefits to our proposed changes, including a having less rubbish in landfill, and creating less pollution. The new 4-bin service will help divert waste from landfill and improve the quality of recyclables in Brimbank. This takes Brimbank a step closer to its Climate Emergency Plan target of net zero emissions by 2040.

You can read more about the State Government reforms behind the draft 4-bin service here.

This reformed waste service will add a glass bin to existing garbage and recycling bins. A food organics and garden organics (FOGO) bin will also be available to everyone. Many Councils across Victoria have already introduced FOGO into their collections. These FOGO bins will replace the green waste service – which is currently opt-in. Food alone makes up about 50 per cent of the waste in most garbage bins. By using the FOGO bin for food scraps, there will be less rubbish going to landfill.

Tell us what you think

We welcome your feedback on how this change will affect you and our household. We also want to know what information you need to understand these changes. Over the next 4 weeks, we will host online and face-to-face events to talk about these changes and hear your thoughts.

You can find out more about the project and have your say by filling in the Community Survey.