We are upgrading Keilor Park Recreation Reserve in the 2021-2022 financial year. We want your feedback on:
- how you currently use the reserve
- your thoughts on the draft concept plan.
The proposed works include the installation of:
- A new playground including sculptural rope elements
- swing set
- balancing and climbing posts
- nature play areas
- trampolines
- spinner
- embankment slides
- sensory garden with musical instruments and water play area
- BBQ facilities including BBQ, shelter, picnic setting and drinking fountain
- public toilet
- a full basketball/netball court
- 2 fitness stations
- a ninja warrior course
- vegetated swales
- planting of canopy trees and low cover garden bed shrubs and flowers
- a new concrete shared user path connecting Keilor Park Drive (the Link) to the new playground and Keilor Botanic Gardens.