Our Creating Better Parks Policy and Plan is about creating inviting parks and shared open spaces. Allowing for people to socialise, be active and play outdoors. It includes everything from our biggest parks, to our local reserves.

The Creating Better Parks Policy and Plan started in 2008 and updated in 2016. The network includes:

  • 7 Flagship Parks
  • 29 Suburban Parks
  • 120 Neighbourhood Parks
  • 100 Local Reserves.

Since 2008 it has won 11 industry awards from:

  • Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
  • Planning Institute of Australia
  • Parks and Leisure Australia
  • Keep Victoria Beautiful.

Sunvale Community Park received 2 state awards in 2020:

  • Park of The Year
  • National Park of The Year.

We are reviewing the plan, park network and deciding on the vision for the next 5 years. We want to understand:

  • how you have been using Brimbank's parks during COVID
  • community attitudes towards investment in parks to date. And if there are any gaps in the current plan that should be addressed
  • ideas for our park network
  • new opportunities within our park network. For example better dog off-leash parks and BMX tracks
  • specific requirements of different age groups and genders
  • current accessibility and distribution of various parks

Your opinion matters

We want to hear from you. Complete our survey or share your ideas and photos of your favourite parks.

Parks in Brimbank

View the gallery of park images for more ideas.