
We respect the time and effort you give towards informing our decision making. We will:

  • allow enough time for you to review and respond to the engagement
  • update you in a timely and helpful way.


We ensure we make decisions and provide advice based on:

  • merit
  • without bias, favouritism or self-interest.

Participants are entitled to reasonable support to enable meaningful and informed engagement. Support may include practical help with access and information through such things as:

  • transport
  • child care
  • payment for your time
  • translation and interpretation.


We commit to being clear about the scope and objectives of the engagement. This will show outcomes are consistent with our commitment made at the start of the process.

Transparency and integrity

We ensure those affected by a Council decision understand:

  • the scope of the pending decision
  • the decision-making process
  • any constraints on this process.

Transparency is key to the engagement process. We commit to:

  • being clear about the contribution we ask you to make. And the responsibilities associated with this
  • sharing the engagement findings and decisions with you in a way you understand.


We show respect and make every reasonable effort to include all our community in community engagement processes. This includes taking into account the needs of diverse communities to be able to take part meaningfully.

Human Rights

We take into account strategies and legislations to guide our approach to public participation. This includes:

  • Brimbank Social Justice Charter
  • Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.