PROJECT UPDATE - November 2024
construction of the Delahey Dog Park is programmed to commence in early 2025.
The delay has been a result of needing to map out areas of existing native
vegetation at the site and modify the design to accommodate these.
In October 2022, we asked for your feedback on the draft design of the dog park. Ecological surveys of the grasslands found native vegetation on the site in certain areas. We have reduced the size dog park to minimise the impact to the grassland vegetation.
The new design of the dog park still has ample open space and improved facilities. And offers a variety of activities, ensuring it is an attractive and inviting place for you and your furry friends. It includes:
- a run-about area with a separate space for small and shy dogs
- natural rummaging areas
- dog waste dispensers and bins
- shelter
- drinking fountain
- new landscaping with tree plantings for biodiversity and increased shade.
Final concept plan