Earlier this year we asked you to share your hopes and priorities for Brimbank. We received 308 contributions showing broad support for the Community Vision 2040. We included your feedback about priorities and focus areas in the draft Together We are Brimbank.

You are now invited to provide feedback on the:

  • draft Together We are Brimbank plan
  • draft Annual Action Plan 2021-2022.

Together We Are Brimbank will be our road map for making Brimbank an even better place to live, work and play. It includes:

  • our community’s key aspirations
  • how we will work to achieve the joint vision of a transformed Brimbank.

It paves the way to achieve our long term Community Vision 2040 through our:

  • 4-year Council Vision and Plan
  • Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.

About the documents

The Community Vision describes the community's long-term vision and priorities for the next 19 years. By 2040, the Brimbank community will be:

  • healthy
  • safe
  • united through a sense of belonging and pride.

Our city will be:

  • inclusive
  • resilient
  • innovative
  • vibrant.

The environment will be:

  • protected
  • enhanced.

Our diverse neighbourhoods and housing will offer something for everyone. And our people will share in the City's prosperity and opportunity.

The Council Plan is a medium-term strategic plan that will guide our work over the next 4 years. The vision is:

“A transformed Brimbank that is beautiful, thriving, healthy and connected”

This recognises the key role of Council in improving the health and wellbeing of people in their municipality. The priorities are:

  1. Support improved mental wellbeing
  2. Collaborate with community in addressing Climate Change and its impacts on health
  3. Increase healthy eating, active living and physical activity
  4. Support increased gender equality and reduce gender based violence
  5. Support economic and social inclusion.

Together We are Brimbank includes the following 3 plans to follow legislation:

The Local Government Act 2020

  • We must adopt a Community Vision and Council Plan by 31 October 2021.

Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008

  • We must renew our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan every 4 years.

Strategic directions

  • People and community

    A welcoming, safe and supported community – an inclusive place for all.

    People and Community are the heart of Brimbank. We will continue to support the mental and physical wellbeing of our community. And help people to come together by sharing their rich diversity. Artistic and social opportunities will also be ways to bring our community together.

  • Places and spaces

    Liveable and connected neighbourhoods that support healthy and sustainable futures. A green place for all.

    Places and spaces are important for our wellbeing and a sustainable future. Our community values neighbourhoods:

    • that are green
    • where they can connect with others
    • access facilities and services.

    Together We are Brimbank looks for opportunities to enhance our places and spaces.

  • Opportunity and prosperity

    A future focused, transforming city where all have opportunities to learn and earn. A prosperous place for all.

    Opportunity and prosperity are at the forefront of our thinking when we consider the transformation of Brimbank.

    Major infrastructure development has potential to bring positive change to our community. We recognise the need to leverage this to achieve a vision that will deliver increased jobs, housing and liveability for our community.

  • Leadership and governance

    A high performing organisation that enacts the vision and decisions of Council through the delivery of quality and innovative services. A fairer place for all.

    Leadership and Governance are integral to a high performing organisation. Decisions and the vision of Council will be delivered through quality and innovative services that respond to the diverse needs of our community. This strategic direction focuses on creating a fairer place for all.

Draft Together We are Brimbank

Give your feedback