The role of streets in urban areas has always been to move people and goods. In recent decades the convenience and affordability of travelling by car has meant a shift to a car dominated environment.
Our Creating Streets for People Policy will guide investment in our street network to create people-focused places that:
- allow sustainable active travel choices
- encourage community cohesion
- adapt our environment for the future climate.
We used your feedback to create this draft Policy. You told us what is important to you, and that is:
- greening and cooling of streets
- improving safety
- more trees
- providing opportunities for outdoor dining.
Our vision for Brimbank has these objectives in mind. But it acknowledges the continued need for car travel alongside it.
To achieve this vision we need to move from a vehicle centred design towards a place making and people focused approach. This will align with global best practice.
Policy summary
To consider the context of streets including the local identity, heritage, land uses, and how people move through and use the street.
Ensuring streets that are a key part of the Cycling and Walking Strategy connect to provide safe and desirable links between destinations.
Designing streets to the appropriate speed without resorting to speed humps as the default method to manage speeding vehicles.
Ensuring that services do not compromise the delivery of high quality streets and adequate tree planting.
Progressing the management of stormwater from pits and pipes in the ground to sustainable drainage systems and reuse for irrigation.
Continuing Council’s Urban Forest Strategy program to deliver increased canopy cover across the municipality.
By allowing water to soak away slowly into the ground it mimics the natural water cycle and lessons the impact of droughts on trees and other plants.
By reducing the amount of road surface Council can reduce future maintenance costs and provide greener, healthier environments.
Every project should have a review of parking to ensure that an appropriate amount of parking is provided.
Our streets should allow equitable access to all members of the community. Narrow footpaths and other issues tend to negatively affect women, disabled people, and the elderly more than others.
It is critical Council maintains the ability for service and emergency vehicles to access our streets and spaces to ensure the safe and smooth running of the urban environment.
As the world transitions to zero emissions vehicles and autonomously driven vehicles Council will need to consider how our streets can cope with the new challenges and requirements of the future.
Our streets contain many tree species. A range of plants offer a way to improve biodiversity and habitat outcomes across the municipality.
Design elements like outside dining will apply in areas with heavy activity.
The Policy recognises the investment planned by the State Government in:
- new and improved rail services
- major new office and other developments in the Sunshine Priority Precinct.
This will increase the community's opportunity to reduce its reliance on private cars.
It will also allow us to advocate to those who design and manage streets within Brimbank such as:
- the Department of Transport
- major industrial, commercial, and residential developers.