Using your feedback from Phase 1 consultation, we created the draft Masterplan. We introduced the idea of creating 3 distinct sections. Each with a unique use, character, and structure, they are:
- the Civic Walk
- the Nature Walk
- the Neighbourhood Walk
We designed 2 options for the Civic Walk section with fair space allocation. The main difference between the options was the positioning of the public realm. In Option 1, the public realm was on the west side, while in Option 2, it was on the east side.
Your feedback on the draft Masterplan was mostly positive. The Nature Walk and Neighbourhood Walk areas were well-received. You thought they complement the vibrant shopping strip in the Civic Walk area.
There was apprehension about reducing car parking. The perception is the loss of carparking would:
- affect the commercial vitality of the Civic Walk
- impact the accessibility and convenience to customers.
We also received a petition signed by 848 traders. It showed strong concerns about the reduced car parking in the Civic Walk area.
With this in mind we revised the Masterplan. We believe it balances the feedback from both the traders and the broader community.
Phase 2 consultation objectives
This phase ran between 7 November to 2 December 2022. The objectives were to:
- increase awareness and understanding of the Masterplan
- create opportunities for you to ask questions
- get your feedback on proposed design options
- use that feedback to update the draft Masterplan.